2nd Area Wave 10
2nd Area Shibugaki City 0010
May 27 11:58 PM
Inaba Miyuki:
I have something to report to you all.
Tomi Kisaragi:
Ugh, finally. Is this processing stuff done yet?
Inaba Miyuki:
It’s well over 90% processed. We’re so close. But there's a problem…
As some of you may know, I'm working from the command ship in orbit.
Unfortunately, it’s still on that orbital path…
Soon, I’ll be too far from your location. I’ll lose signal, and I won't be able to communicate.
And when that happens… the mainframe processing will be suspended.
It’ll be another 850 minutes before I come back from a full orbit.
Until I can reestablish a connection, you have to hold on.
Juro Kurabe:
But that’s just over 14 hours…! We have to hold out until tomorrow afternoon?
Inaba Miyuki:
Please, don’t give up hope.
Until I get cut off, I promise I’ll do everything I can…
Ei Sekigahara:
This is insane. Have you seen how fast new ones keep appearing? There's no way we can fend them off for that long.
Inaba Miyuki:
Shu Amiguchi:
As long as you're still here… maybe you could sing for us?
Inaba Miyuki:
All right… As long as you can hear my voice, you'll know I'm still connected.
Shu Amiguchi:
Well… sounds like she's gone…
Yuki Takamiya:
Would you losers lighten up already? Everyone actin’ like we already lost this!
Iori Fuyusaka:
Um… She's right. This fight isn't over yet. If we do our best, I know we can pull through…
Nenji Ogata:
14 hours though…? That’s nuts.
Never had a brawl that lasted all night. Hell, we might be about to set a new record.
Shu Amiguchi:
Man… Think we can last until sunrise…?